23 Aug - 2013

by mamaschmama

“I would like you to come to church with me today.”

“I’m NOT going to church.  If you take me my ninja turtle is going to smush church!”

“FINE.  I won’t take you.  After church I’m driving to Target  and your sister will get a new toy.”

Was that me who argued with my 3 year old son like that?

We are sitting together in a big chair at the library.  He selects the books and I read each one.  We are discussing the plot and I’m teaching him new vocabulary.  He is brilliant and I’m the proud mom.

Was that me in the library?

I throw the cooking magazine to my husband.  I tell him to pick any recipe he likes.  I will make it.  He picks a recipe for Brazilian Feijoada and says that’s the one he wants.  I notice it takes 9 hours and several pig hooves to complete.  I’m a vegetarian from birth but I make my kitchen smell like a barn and 9 hours later, Feijoada is on the table.

Was that me?

My husband gets home late from work.  I have been doing laundry all day but when I hear his car, I hide the evidence, throw myself on the couch, and open a book.  We fought the day before and now I’m testing him.  I want him to think I haven’t done any laundry to see if he still complains about no work clothes being clean for him on Monday.


I will claim all of the above.  Sometimes I am proud of what I do.  I make valiant, daily attempts to be at peace with the rest.

Eventually, I believe I will find it easier to be comfortable with all of  ”me.”  I see it happening in others and while I am not ready for a black-belt in self assurance, I do look forward to it.

Last night, I noticed on her deck, she still had up the decorations from a party a few weeks ago.

“Mom.  Why do you still have those decorations up?”

“Well, because I like them.”

I could see her point.  One day I’ll get there.

A book I’m reading included the following quote from TS Eliot:

“When forced to work within a strict framework, the imagination is taxed to its utmost- and will produce its richest ideas.  Given total freedom the work is likely to sprawl.”

And I thought of Finish The Sentence Friday.   Which is to say that I recommend that you participate if you haven’t tried writing from a  prompt before for your blog.  This week the sentence to finish was “I wasn’t myself when…”  As always, I burrowed out of the framework just a smidge.

Thank you to the hosts who created the semi-strict framework:

Can I Get Another Bottle of Whine
Janine’s Confessions of a Mommyaholic
Mommy, for Real
Finding Ninee

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