by mamaschmama
I have a real web address now. Because I paid for it.
Earlier today, I noticed some funny business happening with my old site so I switched it. There was a lot of copy and paste action going on and my son was delighted to participate in a mutual ignorance of each other so he could watch Jake and the Pirates.
Do you know what a sand mandala is? I learned about it once on a museum trip with my Dad. From memory and light internet searching, it’s a meditation tool. Buddhist monks create an incredibly intricate design out of sand and then as soon as they’re finished they scatter it.
Since I became a teacher, I have often thought that interacting with children is like creating a sand mandala. After having my son 3 years ago, the association is even stronger. Lots of work and time spent on something so important only to restart again. Frequently. In essence, I have become desensitized to my efforts being scattered to the wind. A mom has to let go after a while.
Which is why I did not throw my computer in the backyard, stomp on it, and then bury it in the dirt to let the grubs slowly destroy it.
So welcome to my site. All those crappy beloved posts I wrote are still somewhat here. Just copy and pasted, mostly butchered and scattered.
I’m still mad though.
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